Tuesday, February 1, 2011


There are some days where I realize just how very blessed I am. I may not have thousands, millions or billions of dollars, I may not even have hundreds of dollars on any given day, but I never believed happiness was monetary anyway.  I may have bad days and I may have days where I just want to climb back into bed and just hide under the covers and cry, but then i have days like yesterday and today.  Days where I can just stop and take stock of what I DO have.

I have a wonderful family, they may make me absolutely crazy or frustrated somedays, but through lots of talking and hardships we have come to be closer and happier. I know my parents love me immensely and they are always there if I need help or just need to talk something out. My momma is my best friend and always has been. We had a rocky time while I was growing up, I wanted a mother and she wanted a friend, but after all this time I found my way and she has always been there holding my hand the best way she knew how. My daddy is a man who is not responsible for my creation but he IS 100% responsible for my life. I am a daddy's girl, I may not always act like it but I am. He took the reins in my life and turned a spoiled bratty overbearing little girl into a woman who can hold her head high and say that she has always respected herself. Thank you mom and dad for letting me have the space to live and learn all while being behind me to pick me up if I fell.

I have brothers who are my best friends, while I may not be close with my sisters or two of my brothers the younger three have always been my best friends. We have had our fights and scrapes, but when momma picked us up and moved us around we always had each other. I may not always agree with your choices and I may be a little too mothery to you, you have the capability to be incredible men! Go out and be great!

I have three kiddos in my life that are so different from each other but so awesome in their own rights. Keegan, my baby.... is soooo funny, he makes me laugh constantly. He is everything I have ever wanted, as long as I can remember I always knew I wanted to be a mom , I am honored to be the mother of such an awesome, smart, sweet, incredible kid. He is my life and nothing will ever change that. Of course, we cannot forget Connor and Eva, I have only known them for 5 months but I feel incredibly close to them. They are amazing.  Eva is so smart and beautiful, she is an amazing girl, I can't wait to see the incredible woman she becomes....watch out world!  Connor is so very sweet and loveable and funny, He is constantly telling all the ladies he meets how beautiful they are and its so very sweet when he does it cause you can tell he genuinely means it when he says it.  These three kiddos are going to be fantastic adults and they are going to be good people that their families can be proud of, I have no doubt that they are going to change the world for the better and I am beyond happy that I get to be a part of that! Love you kiddos!

My INCREDIBLE boyfriend..... I love you.  You have completely changed mine and Keegs lives for the better. I wish you could see what you have done for me, I have never met someone who could face such a storm and still not falter. You are resiliant and strong and confident. I am proud to call you mine and love that you want to be here. I have never had someone support my dreams or have so much faith in me, it is refreshing to know that I get to come home to you every night. You are a sweet, courageous, funny, smart, strong, and gorgeous person inside and out. We have both been through a lot, and have both been hurt badly, but that may be what makes this work. I know there are days where we argue and things are not always going to be perfect and rosy everyday, but you are the first man that is able to stand up to me and I know without a doubt that you will still love me afterwards.  I love everything you are, you are my forever and always. I love you, I love you, I love you.

My friends.....Lizzy, Loo, Krissy, Scottopotomus, Natty, and anyone else I may have missed....THANK YOU! I have some of the best friends in the world and if you are reading this it more than likely means you, even if I didn't call you out by name. I have had moments (especially in thelast 2.5 years) where I have been not so loveable and you have stood by me. I don't know where I would be without you guys, there have been a lot of bad people coming in and out of my life and  you have always been here. When I am down and need a chat you guys are always here for me and I love your faces for that. There have been amazing memories that I will cherish all my life, thank you for that. Y'all are some of the world's most incredible people, you deserve everything good in the world that you want and if I had the means I would gladly give it to you!

Yes, I am blessed. I already have the MOST important things in my life : love, laughter and friendship. I have had the honor of knowing the most amazing, courageous, loving, smart, strong, giving, supportive people. There are not enough words to express my thank you's, I hope I can be even half as amazing as you guys. I have been through some bad, bad stuff in my life and have been hurt more times than I care to admit, but I have NEVER been alone. I am a very, very, very blessed person and I am so very grateful everyday for that. If you are reading this....Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for being you and being in my life.